Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I have had a few less than perfect results brewing a Kolsch style beer. Kolsch is a German beer that is very close to a lager. Actually a Kolsch is a lagered beer but is an ale. Lager beers are fermented cool, ales are fermented warmer. After it is fermented it is cooled to a lower temperature and the yeast is allowed to clear up and eat up any remaining undesirables left over. The result is a clean, light, golden ale that doesn't leave much room for imperfections. The yeast can be a little finicky. It typically remains suspended in the beer after it ferments giving it a haze. Something so simple should be easy. Patience is required.
This time I feel that I got it right. One of the challenges when you start brewing is being patient enough to get the right result. Often times the brewer is just dying to crack open his latest and sample it a soon as possible. You want to share your hazy, sweet, flat malt beverage with your friends. There is nothing wrong with that. The first sampling that a brewer takes either good or bad is like an epiphany. I CAN MAKE BEER! As though you are handed a gift from the hand of God himself! Once you get past that you want to make it good or make it right to style. Proper sanitation, the right fermentation temperature and conditioning, the right carbonation and the perfect pour. Time makes all things better. The brewer and the beer.

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